Saturday, June 19, 2010

Setting the Record Straight

I was chatting with a friend the other day while our kids played, about how crazy my week had been. This past spring Savannah went to school in the mornings and was picked up at noon. She then ate her lunch in the car during our 30 minute drive home. But this crazy day I was lamenting to my friend about how I had forgotten to make Savannah's lunch. So that Savannah would not feel sad and forgotten (and because I had no snacks on hand to stall he until we got home) I said, "Surprise, you get lunch from Chick file today!" This is something that never happens. Not so much because of the fact it is processed food which we try not to eat but more because of the fact I have not drank the chick file kool aid. Seriously, what is so wonderful about the food? I don't get it. But lunch was not for me but for her and she was overjoyed.

Now back to my friend who was listening intently. Her reply was not words of encouragement for this crazy time of having a newborn and a 5 year old with a busy schedule. No, her words were, "That just warms my heart to know that you forgot your child's lunch and bought her fast food instead."


Let's set the tone for this blog right now. I am a busy mother or two with many obligations pulling me in several directions at once. Life gets hectic for me too and surprise! I am not perfect. But I do try my best to feed my family in a way that is nourishing to both our body and souls. I make mistakes and then I learn from them. I hope I always make mistakes because that's how one learns. And beyond that sometimes I just don't have the time or mental energy to create the right choices.

So this is a journey for me too. It just happens to also be my career as a dietitian, my job as a mom, and my hobby as a woman.

(And I do love my friend that said those words to me so it was not the least bit offensive at all. I display might faults right back to her with love!)

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