Monday, June 21, 2010

Don't Eat The Budget!

For those of you who are locals, our farmer's market is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. Vendors get there at 6:30 AM and sometimes sell out by 10:30 so shop as early as you can.

Their prices blow away the overpriced, waxy, and sometimes flavorless produce at the grocery store. Bell peppers are only 50 cents vs. $1 or more at the store. I picked up 1# of yard beans (like green beans except really long! Like 2 feet long! These are fun for kids and tasty too.) for $1.50 and it made a HUGE pot.

Stop by and check them out. My kiddo had a blast picking our her own food and talking with the farmers. Hope your family enjoys saving money while buying fresher, healthier, and tastier food too!

1 comment:

  1. I went a few weeks ago and got some yard beans too! I also bought a box full of purple hull peas, corn, tomato, onion, and Anthony Henderson's mom sold me a bag of Jumbalaya Mix that is made up and you just add a few ingredients...I haven't tried it yet..but the veggies were great.and I'm sure the jumbalaya will be good too.
    I've been to the berry farm kids LOVE IT! They even let us come after hours one night when our family was in town from Dallas!
    I'm curious about raw friend Landra has been buying raw milk, and I was wondering what you do for milk and butter... also eggs?
